Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Common Investment Mistake

A common investment mistake for many people is they underestimate how long they will live. Today people are living longer on average compared with years gone by. Even if you do not agree with the fact that the average mortality rate is increasing, more people are reaching 80yrs old than ever before. You might be one of them. In which case, you need to think of having an investment strategy that takes into account your longer expectation of life on this earth and the lifestyle you want to live.
Not only do you need to consider how long you might live, but also you need to allow for the unexpected. You could be involved in a road accident or some other freak event that caused you to suffer loss of some physical function like a kidney or lung or an eye and your ability to earn money.
Yes, there are breakthroughs in medicine that are enabling people to overcome many of these life-threatening and debilitating diseases and physical loss as a result of an accident. Yes, in general people are better nourished and you can obtain fantastic supplements, like what I use, that enable you to have a much healthier life and not suffer from the ill effects of aging. But there is always the unexpected.
When the unexpected happens, suddenly the cost of everything goes through the roof. There is no time to shop around for the best price or the best service or the best product. An emergency situation means high priority and consideration of cost goes out the door.
One woman I heard about was having cancer treatment with Mayo Clinic. This left her with a debt of $80,000, which was money she did not have. What is frightening about her story is she still had the cancer and could no longer continue to get treatment. So this woman in her early 40s had to pay a large debt off for treatment that did not heal her condition. How do you think she felt? Fortunately, the products I take helped her condition, but she still has the debt.
When it comes to investment, it is prudent to consider investing so that you will have sufficient income to give you the standard of living that you are accustomed to for at least 100 years. This way you will be able to have peace of mind and financial stability for your entire life. You also have to allow for unexpected illnesses and accidents that could require costly medical treatment and nursing facilities. Often it is in the last 5-10 years of their lives that people are finding they need to be under the supervision of medical staff.
You can avoid this common investing mistake of not having sufficient funds as you grow older, by expecting to live longer and planning your investments to provide sufficient income for your entire life.
One of the ways you can invest in your future is to become involved in a network marketing company, which can offer you the prospects of continued growth and income throughout your life.
One woman I know retired at the age of 60 back in 1990 but then got involved with a nutritional product. Today, she is full of live and energy and is one of the top achievers in the company. Ill health and hospitalization have not been something she has had to worry about, but what has amazed her is how much more of her life she was prepared to throw away when she retired. Today she has more freedom, more money and more energy to enjoy life than she could have imagined back in 1990.

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